Wednesday 15 July 2009

Hand - Coloured Photographs

Not a long time ago I found on ebay a nice old colour kit to be used in B&W photographs in very good condition. The box has everything, even the original cotton to apply the oil onto the picture was there!  

So today I finally decided to use it, I went to the antique market close by and bought about five old photogrpahs to try the kit and here are the first results.  


My first impression is that the colours works better on brighter pictures. The picture with the man is a bit too dark when scanned but looks much better on the original.


And here's the Kit... It's called Lakeland Fotocol, on the top of the box it's written "To Sally, with love from auntie Mary and uncle Ron , 1958".



Aveen said...

This is very cool! I love those old hand-coloured photographs, always wondered how they did it.

Chloe said...

Lovely blog, especially the hand coloured photographs

My friend bought me a Coronet Twelve-20 today and it's great to see what beautiful images it may achieve

Christa said...

i've been looking for one of those photographic coloring kits for a long time now - i physically restore damaged old and antique photographs and i am in desperate need to purchase on of these kits...would you be willing to sell yours???...alternatively let me know where i can purchase one myself? i have looked everywhere!! thank you :)

Mauricio Sapata said...

Hi Crista, I couldn't find a way to repply you so I'm writing in here...

Unfortunately I can't sell you the kit as this is a rare thing to find, but I know people doing the same work with new kits called "berol prismacolor" ( (

Hope that helps... ;)

Christa said...

hey thanks so much Mauricio - really appreciate you getting back to me > will check it out right away :)

Lawrence Bishop said...

Great reading your ppost